Joining our union adds leverage to secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions. Our power is in our membership.

To join, fill out the membership form. Where it says “local chapter” write “GEO” or “7756”. Dues are less than $16/month (which is less than $8/paycheck).

Dues are automatically deducted from members’ pay, so you don’t have to remember to pay dues.

Only GAs are eligible for membership - if you have received a graduate appointment as a TA or an RA, you are eligible to become a member, and you are represented by the union, regardless of membership status.

A graphic of a large yellow fist with a brown background. Around the fist are blue lines, perpendicular to the fist. Above and below are the words "Educate," "Organize," and "Agitate" in teal.

Why Join the GEO?

  • A graphic of a bullhorn in yellow and teal.


    The GEO is the biggest and only organization for graduate students across campus.

  • A graphic of a hand placing a yellow piece of paper into the slot of a box.

    Voting power

    Only dues paying members get to vote on contract changes, central committee elections and other important issues.

  • A graphic of two mugs of beer tapping.


    Members get invited to special socials and events! Watch the events page or our socials to find out when we’re holding events!